Champlain Valley Scottish Fiddle CLub Logo

Champlain Valley
Scottish Fiddle Club

~ sharing the great tradition of Scottish fiddle music
in north-western Vermont

About the CVSFC

The Champlain Valley Scottish Fiddle Club (CVSFC), founded in 2010, offers an opportunity to play Scottish fiddle music. At monthly meetings, fiddlers - young and old, experienced and novice - gather together to play, learn about, and share enjoyment of music from the great Scottish fiddle tradition. We also offer occasional concerts.

The main mission of the club is:
- to encourage the playing of traditional Scottish fiddle music;
- to offer opportunities to learn about traditional Scottish fiddling;
- to share the enjoyment of traditional Scottish fiddle music.

The nominal membership fee is used solely to defray expenses, primarily for online resources. If you use the resources on this site, even if you are not active with us, please consider making a contribution to the upkeep by joining the CVSFC.

Read about the founders, Peter Macfarlane and Jeannie Van Order.


Next meeting:
Sunday 2 March 2025
from 2:00 to 5:00 pm
at 46 Road 18, Middlebury.

A Zoom link will be provided for those from afar or not able to mingle.

April's meeting will be on the second SATURDAY (12 April)
and will include a concert at EastView in Middlebury.

Membership subscriptions for 2025 are due (unless you've already paid for this year). All who are active in any way with the group, including any reference to website resources, are asked to contribute $10 for the 2025 calendar year. If you need a reminder of how (and why) to pay, please see here.

Champlain Valley Scottish Fiddle Club
Website design & Logo design © Peter Macfarlane